Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The flip side this weeks takes us to one of the seven deadly sins, greed.

The first time I read through this chapter I did not necessarily agree with Shelly that greed was at the core of most all character flaws. I got all huffy and puffy, but then decided perhaps I should practice the character trait of humbleness and simmer down. So I processed greed. I came up with a short list of horrible things that have happened in the world. Then one by one I went through my list to see if greed was lurking in each particular event. I discovered that it was. Greed - why is it such a powerful driving force? Why is greed such an easy weapon for the enemy to use? Perhaps it's because there's no room for love in room to be about others.

Here's my list:
1. The Holocost
2. The Lost Boys of Sudan
3. The current economic situation in the U.S.

How do we fight greed? We fight greed through the characteristic generosity, loving others, looking at others and not ourselves.

One of the Children's Ministries in Lexington has a great idea this Christmas to combat greed. They are asking the children to give a toy, but not just any toy, their favorite toy. As that child hands in their toy, they are in return given a gift to be opened on Christmas. Inside is a note that will remind them, another child is opening your gift this morning. They will have the joy of playing with your favorite toy, and it may too become their favorite toy. Thank you for giving. Thank you for your generosity.

What a wonderful thing to teach children. What a wonderful thing to teach us all. Maybe this Christmas I should find my favorite sweater, purse, earrings, or pair of shoes and give them away. Maybe I should fight off the Christmas greed by giving away something near and dear to my heart. Perhaps that will help me to love someone I've never met. It will help me to think of others during a time when it's very easy to be about my traditions, rituals, and desires.

Any other takers?

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Natalie, wonderful article and right on target. Working for a charitable organziation and really embracing it has silenced any type of greed I ever considered. I would rather be a giver than a taker. Blessings to you! Sandra