Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Humility, Pride, and the Flip Side

Humility, Pride, and the Flip Side

Pride – U2
One man come in the name of love

One man come and go
One man come, he to justify
One man to overthrow

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love

One man caught on a barbed wire fence
One man he resist
One man washed on an empty beach.
One man betrayed with a kiss

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of loveWhat more in the name of love

Early morning, april 4
Shot rings out in the memphis sky
Free at last, they took your life
They could not take your pride

In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love
In the name of love
What more in the name of love...

What comes to mind when you think of the word Pride? I think of the great U2 song, Pride. I think of, “Pride before the fall.” I think of a proud papa.

I wanted to know what Merriam-Webster’s said about pride.
1: the quality or state of being proud: as a: inordinate self-esteem : conceit, a reasonable or justifiable self-respect c: delight or elation arising from some act, possession, or relationship

Merriam-Webster doesn’t make pride sound like such a bad thing. Merriam-Webster’s definition leads me to ask, is pride really so bad?

If I look at U2’s song I see both a good and bad example of pride. I see Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man with much dignity, who did many good things, a man who did not die ashamed – they did not take his pride. But I also see Judas betray Jesus with a kiss – his pride took him down a dark path. I see one man who valued others above himself, and another who valued himself more than others.

As a woman from a family of strong women, we pride ourselves of being self-sufficient. We don’t need a man to take care of us. We can handle our own finances, social life, and repairs around the house. We are proud women – strong women! Grrrrr. Pride, it’s not such a bad thing, right?

But after going through the Pride test, and looking at the journal questions in day two, I stop to ponder my pride. After a closer look, perhaps I should own up to some of my issues. Am I truly a woman who values others above herself? This is not to say, I belittle myself, but do I love others with a greater love. The same deep love Jesus loves with? That’s what it comes down to right, loving well. I don’t like to make things complicated. So to simplify – humility is to love well and pride does not.

It’s been a few years since I’ve acted on stage, but throughout and at the end of the show I longed to hear a good response from the audience. Talk about instant gratification! If you do something funny – the good responsive audience laughs. If you’re in an intense dramatic moment, you sense the audience holding their breath. At the end of the show, you hope hear loud resounding applause – not a wimpy applause – applause with power and intentionality behind it. The energy from the audience tells you if performed well, if you’re loved well. Ah pride – did I love them well? Did I care? No, it was about me, I wanted them in that moment to love me well.

For many reasons, but mostly lack of time, I have not been in a show in awhile. This is probably a good thing. God has taken this time to teach me humility. God is teaching me to love well. Love with intentionality. God is teaching me how to be a good responsive audience. He wants me to laugh when little kids do silly things. When someone is in a dark place in life, He wants me to be there with them, holding my breath. Towards the end of someone’s life he wants me to show them, with intentionality, they mattered and they were loved well. They will continue to be loved well – even as they pass out of this life. Not only loved by someone here on this earth, but loved by God forever.

Pride, I wrestle with it. Sometimes I win and sometime she wins. Sometimes the match is easy. Sometimes there is hair pulling, grunting, spit flying, faces pressed into the mat. Sometimes I give in a little too easy, and sometimes I put all my energy into the fight.

I hope I’m gaining a little of Jesus’ wisdom. Jesus did not enter a wrestling match with Pride. In Luke Chapter 4, Jesus vs. the enemy, Jesus did not fight. Jesus wore the cloak of humility, he responded with wise words. He loves all of us well by not giving in to the enemy’s lines. He thought of us and not himself. He lived a life with pride surrendered to God. How did he do it?

My prayer for you, and for me, is for us to live lives surrendered to God. Father God, teach us humility! Teach us the truth about pride. God teach us wisdom. Teach us to be bold and to love well. Help us to love ourselves well and love others well. Give us a burning desire to learn how to love like you. And God, may we allow you to love us well. God help us to focus on Jesus in Luke 4, and not our failures that came about in the test. Give us the desire to be wise and love like Jesus. God teach us to live life in the name of love – your love – for you are love. Amen.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Ah, pride! If you, like me, have ever come to a revelation of the depth of pride residing in your flesh, you have either been repulsed by it or justified it, or maybe both at the same time. I found a quote that says so much: “They that know God will be humble; they that know themselves cannot be proud. - John Flavel". How well I know that this is true.

I remember when I was in a place with the Lord that the Holy Spirit's convictions came as soon as I would sin. I remember during one particular instance at work, I became acutely convicted that pride was the driving force behind my relentless pursuit of a remedy. I had to fight with my flesh in such a way that, one day, I had to retreat to a back bathroom. I remember saying to God, "God - if you can't get this pride out of me then just kill me now because this is one of the biggest battles with myself that I have ever faced!!" And I was sincere. When we feel we are 100% right in a situation, it is extremely difficult to step back and not fight to the death.

Pride is the legacy of sin that has been willed to us through the fall of Adam and it is a strong force. But it is sin and as such can be conquered by the blood of Jesus if we allow Him to do a work in us. The essence of pride is saying "I don't need any help in this area." In fact, C.S. Lewis said, "If you think you are not conceited, it means you are very conceited indeed." It's almost like a catch-22. But if we ask God to break this cycle, to soften our hearts to conviction in this area and teach us to submit with humility - which is simply recognizing that He is God and whatever He says is just and righteous and that any response we have that is out of line with that is sin - then He can work this stubborn legacy of pride out of us, layer by layer.

One interesting thing about humility vs. pride that I have been learning is that when I want my plan to work instead of allowing God to work out His plan, I am operating in pride. When I have a fit when something doesn’t happen the way I think it should, I’m operating in pride. True humility is getting to the place where we are SURRENDERED to God’s plan in every detail of our lives. That sounds pretty impossible, doesn’t it? We always want what we want when we want it. But it takes a foundation of trust that God is good and His ways are better than ours to surrender our will to His. May we all get to the place that we can say, like our Saviour, “Not my will but Yours be done!” Luke 22:41-42

I strongly encourage you to not go any further in this study until you have had a serious talk with Him about dealing with the pride in your heart. Humility is truly the foundation of all the other character traits that he wants to mold in you. I'll leave you with this Scripture:

James 4:10 (Amplified Bible)
10Humble yourselves [feeling very insignificant] in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you [He will lift you up and make your lives significant].

Once we really know His holiness, sovereignty and majesty it will be easy to realize that we have no place before Him except in surrendered humility and awe. Pray for God to teach you to humble yourself. He can do it for you, but I wouldn't recommend it.

In Him,

Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday's with Sandra

Hello! I’m Sandra Harris Frey and am delighted to be a participant of the Online Character Makeover provided to you by iBloom!

Writing has always come easily for me when it is based on personal experience. Sharing my thoughts and ideals with you through iBloom is truly a blessing for me and I hope to you as well. As we all continue to grow, learn, and experience all that life has to offer, the Online Character Makeover will be a positive that you will welcome each and every day.

My “day job” is at a local hospital where I am the executive assistant in the foundation and marketing department. Specializing in database management, donor, guest, and media relations, each day is a challenge that always has a blessing. My career path at the hospital has been life changing and one that has taught me much compassion, genuine happiness and fulfillment.

My childhood dreams were simple. I wanted to marry Elvis, live in a house with a picket fence, and have a huge family. Those simple childhood dreams have come true. My husband Jonathan is my Elvis and we live in a home that has a beautiful picket fence and we have 25 nieces and nephews. Our life together is the inspiration of many of my writings and living it is a thrill each day.

Be sure and follow the Online Character Makeover each day. Pledge to make a change today! Get inspired! Get fulfilled!

Sandra Frey

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thursday's with Kelly

Welcome! I'm SO thankful that you're joining us for the online Character Makeover journey! I'm anxious to see all that God reveals in our journey together. I'm Kelly Thorne, the Founder & President of iBloom. iBloom is an organization dedicated to inspiring women by 1) helping women discover and begin living into God's purposes 2) challenging women to live balanced, healthy, and thriving lives and 3) encouraging women as they cultivate a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

My Favorite Verse

"I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen. When you come looking for me, you'll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." Jeremiah 29:11-13 (The Message)

I Love...

An intimate relationship with Christ, quality time with family and friends, my baby girl Hope (miniature schnauzer), planning, dreaming, bright/cheery colors, sunshine, gerber daisies, inspirational words/slogans, laying in the hammock, great food, chocolate, Diet Pepsi, reading, learning, journaling, Tyler Perry Movies & Plays, chick flicks, staying up late & sleeping in, worship music, the beach, traveling, card games, the spa: massages, manicures, pedicures – you get the picture!, solitude & silence, joy, hope, peace, inspiring others, and authenticity.

I'm looking forward to our time together! Know that you're each in my prayers daily!


Kelly Thorne

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday's with Ginny!


It is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. My favorite names are Mom and Memaw but most people know me as Ginny Holcombe. I am fifty-seven years young and embarking on a new and exciting stage of life.

I was in a difficult marriage for thirty-two years and have been divorced since 2003. I have three wonderful children and five beautiful grandchildren. I am constantly amazed as I look back over my life at the ways God protected me, provided for me, and prepared me to serve Him.

I share a home with my Jack Russell/Basenji Mix., Cinnamon. This little three-year-old bundle of energy has brought much joy, laughter, and love into my life. She loves and accepts me as I am and just wants to be with me.

I am presently employed as church receptionist and ministry assistant to the Pastor to Senior Adults and Pastoral Care at a church in Lexington. My job provides me with opportunities to practice my gifts of faith and encouragement. I try to find ways to assist people and to make them smile. Humor and laughter are important aspects of my ministry. I am also a writer, life coach, and women’s ministry speaker with my ministry caterpillartobutterfly.vpweb.com.

I enjoy reading, puzzles, word games, writing, research, and walking. In August of 2007, I had my right knee replaced and two weeks ago yesterday, I had my left knee replaced. I expect to be running with no pain this time next year. One unexpected result of my recent hospital stay was being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Over the past five years, God has healed me emotionally and psychologically. I believe He allowed diabetes into my life as an opportunity to improve my health and I am looking forward to doing so.

The most important part of my life is my relationship with God. It impacts every other area. I have been in church since before I was born and was saved at the age of nine. This has been a lifelong journey with many twists and turns but always with faith in God. My greatest joy is to share all that God has done in my life over the years. My greatest desire is to enable women to understand that it is not rules, regulations, or religion. It is all about a genuinely intimate and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I am thankful for the opportunities God is providing for me to reveal what He is teaching me.

I am excited about this opportunity to share and learn with all of you as we seek to become the women God created us to be. I pray that we will be open and honest as we travel this journey together. So pack your bags, put on your traveling shoes, and get ready for a life-changing journey.

Joy in the Journey!



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday's with Natalie

Hello Everyone!

My name is Natalie Corso and I will share with you on Tuesday’s.
Since we’re going to be spending several weeks together I wanted to share a little about myself.

I just turned 30 on August 28, and this shook my proverbial snow globe. What was once a settled, peaceful globe got stirred up, and snow started flying everywhere. It’s settling down again. :) I find that turning 30 brought a more realistic view of my mortality…you know the end really is coming.

So, I’m 30, and 2 years ago I married a wonderful man from Cincinnati. We just bought a house in June. I do not have any kids, and I am not pregnant. (I include that because people are always asking if I’m pregnant, or when are the babies coming.) In June I also changed jobs. I currently work at a Church as an “Outreach Minister.” This means I try to find ways beyond the walls of the church for people to serve and be the hands of Jesus. Before I was an “outreach minister” I was a Children’s Minister for 7 years.

I’ve lived in Lexington, KY since I was four. I graduated from Tates Creek High School in 1996. Attend Kentucky Wesleyan College, and graduated with a B.S. in Communications/Theater in 2000.

I love to read and write. I love hiking. I’m learning to how rock climb – which is not working out so well with my newly discovered fear of heights. I'm working on being more disciplined in all areas of my life. I enjoy cooking dinner and having people over. I LOVE to be around people. I love movies and certain TV shows…but I try to limit my time in front of the tube. And I guess I should include I have a small obsession with Superman. Not just the movies ladies…comic books and paraphernalia included.

As far as my faith journey goes…I never really attended church until I was in high school. My family attended church occasionally for Christmas and Easter services. I had a friend in Middle and High School that continually bugged me to go to church with her. Finally I gave in…and that granted me the prize of sitting in the front row. I was freaked out. But, it was in that front row that I heard for the first time about the son of God. I heard about how he wanted to have a relationship with me – that he was passionate about me, and he wanted me to feel the same way about him. A hunger began in me and I returned every week to satisfy it. Eventually the weekly snack was not enough and I wanted more. Sixteen years later I’m still on my faith journey, and what an unexpected wonderful adventure it has been!

I’m looking forward to us sharing our journeys together. Until next Tuesday…


Monday, September 22, 2008

So Glad You've Joined Us!

Welcome ladies!

We are so excited that you have joined us on this amazing Character Makeover journey! The iBloom team has been praying that God will do a life-transforming work in each of us through this study.

My name is Tara McClenahan and I will be posting on Mondays throughout the duration of the study. I have been married for 15 years, have a 17-month-old son whom I adore (yes ~ we waited a while to have a baby!) and am an Associate Life Coach, Speaker, Ministry Consultant, Life Plan Facilitator and writer with iBloom. I have also started my own home business teaching others how to preserve their photos and the stories behind them! Check out Heritage Makers here!

I love spending time with my family, reading, writing/journaling, researching, digital photography, digital storybooking and reaching out to other women that God puts in my path.

As for my spiritual journey, let me say that it has been quite a ride ~ sharp turns, reversals, valleys, mountain tops, detours, off-and-on ramps and occasional stops at the side of the road. I grew up in a Christian home but I never really understood a real relationship with Christ until my dad died of brain cancer in 2000. Because of his death I was ready to walk away from God. I had grown up in churches that taught that if I had enough faith, then God would heal, bless, prosper us, etc. When healing didn't happen for my dad, my whole family was spiritually shipwrecked and some still are. That was one of my "I'm going to park here on the side of the road until I figure out if I want to continue on with you, God, if you are even real" moments. But through His infinite grace, He brought me back to Himself. He proved Himself to be real to me in a profound way and that started a REAL relationship with Him.

Then almost three years ago, I miscarried our first baby and the spiritual fallout from that rocked my foundation to its core. I had never been as close to God as I was when that happened. The fact that we were having a baby at all was a miracle in and of itself so I was sure it was God's will. When we lost that baby, I could not for the life of me figure it out. That was my "I'm going to pull over, park on the side of the road AND get out of the car and start walking and find my own way because if this is what you have in store for me God, I'm not sure I want to continue!" moments (OK, I stayed in that mode for almost two years). But again, God brought me back to Himself and taught (and still is teaching) me about His Sovereignty and that if I want to be His, He has to be Lord of my life. My life is no longer my own but His. And the things that He allows in my life, He wants to reshape to be used for His glory to minister to others. That is why I am so excited about the Character Makeover study! I know that he wants to take this marred and cracked pot and remold me in His image. My prayer is that all of us, at the end of this study, will be able to look in the mirror and behold ourselves looking a little bit more like Jesus than we did at the beginning.

So please share a little bit of what God is doing in your life. What has He brought you through that He wants to use for His glory to touch other lives? What are you wanting to see in yourself when this study is done? I can't wait to hear from all of you!

Love to all my sisters!
In Him,

Today is the day!!

Welcome to the Character Makeover journey! This journey is all about us, as women, becoming all that God has for us. It's about developing some of the essential character qualities that will help us fulfill God's dreams for our lives. It's about leaving a legacy with our lives.

Our purpose for this Character Makeover Online Community is to be a safe place where we as women can grow together toward Christ. This is a "grace-filled" journey. So, know that we aren't here to judge or chastise anyone...we're here to act as your coach or guide as we learn together how to become the women God desires.

What should you expect from this blog?

- daily (Monday-Friday) posts from an iBloom "Character Coach." She will encourage, challenge, and support you on your Character Makeover journey.

- occasional video/audio from our LIVE 40-day journey in Lexington, KY.

- a safe online community where we can grow together as women becoming more like Christ

What should you be doing?

- Purchase the book Character Makeover: 40 days with a Life Coach to create the best you.

- This week, is all about getting to know one another. You'll have the opportunity to "meet" each of your Character Coaches as they share a little more about themselves. This is a community, so we want to get to know you as well. So, be sure tell about yourself in the comment section.

Be sure to include details about your:

- Family / Friends
- Faith
- Career
- How you found this study/Character Makeover
- AND anything else you want to share!

Basically give us a brief synopsis/overview of YOU!

Also, be sure to read the introduction (pgs. 9-18) in Character Makeover.

- Starting next week, our 40-day journey will begin! We will cover one Chapter (or character quality per week). Each chapter is divided into 5 days worth of material. So, we invite you to journey with us each week (Monday-Friday), as we encourage, support, and challenge one another on this journey.

- Share/Build Community in the comment section! We want to hear what God is doing in your life. So, be sure to share your ah-ha moments, prayer requests, praises, and anything else you feel led to share!

So, fasten your seat belts and get ready for God to transform you from the inside out.


Kelly Thorne
iBloom Founder & President