Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday's with Natalie

Hello Everyone!

My name is Natalie Corso and I will share with you on Tuesday’s.
Since we’re going to be spending several weeks together I wanted to share a little about myself.

I just turned 30 on August 28, and this shook my proverbial snow globe. What was once a settled, peaceful globe got stirred up, and snow started flying everywhere. It’s settling down again. :) I find that turning 30 brought a more realistic view of my mortality…you know the end really is coming.

So, I’m 30, and 2 years ago I married a wonderful man from Cincinnati. We just bought a house in June. I do not have any kids, and I am not pregnant. (I include that because people are always asking if I’m pregnant, or when are the babies coming.) In June I also changed jobs. I currently work at a Church as an “Outreach Minister.” This means I try to find ways beyond the walls of the church for people to serve and be the hands of Jesus. Before I was an “outreach minister” I was a Children’s Minister for 7 years.

I’ve lived in Lexington, KY since I was four. I graduated from Tates Creek High School in 1996. Attend Kentucky Wesleyan College, and graduated with a B.S. in Communications/Theater in 2000.

I love to read and write. I love hiking. I’m learning to how rock climb – which is not working out so well with my newly discovered fear of heights. I'm working on being more disciplined in all areas of my life. I enjoy cooking dinner and having people over. I LOVE to be around people. I love movies and certain TV shows…but I try to limit my time in front of the tube. And I guess I should include I have a small obsession with Superman. Not just the movies ladies…comic books and paraphernalia included.

As far as my faith journey goes…I never really attended church until I was in high school. My family attended church occasionally for Christmas and Easter services. I had a friend in Middle and High School that continually bugged me to go to church with her. Finally I gave in…and that granted me the prize of sitting in the front row. I was freaked out. But, it was in that front row that I heard for the first time about the son of God. I heard about how he wanted to have a relationship with me – that he was passionate about me, and he wanted me to feel the same way about him. A hunger began in me and I returned every week to satisfy it. Eventually the weekly snack was not enough and I wanted more. Sixteen years later I’m still on my faith journey, and what an unexpected wonderful adventure it has been!

I’m looking forward to us sharing our journeys together. Until next Tuesday…


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